as this weekend is literally within the grasp of each and every excited runner-triathletes, I am just in awe with how fast Coach Ani de Leon-Brown got her tri mojos back in such a short period. last year, she got married, and became a mom, and in no time, got to the tri scene back just like that! how did she do it? up until now, people still consider running as one of the fastest and sure-fire way of losing weight. but running also should be accompanied by healthy eating/ diet. In my case, i've always been stuck at a certain weight, and i believe that this reading the latest issue of Runner's World Philippines will be of help on how to approach this concern. for other details and interesting topics, get your copy of the latest Runner's World Philippines. for more details on the other articles, kindly read the press release from Summit Media, the number one magazine publishing company in the Philippines. Runner’s World Philippines celebrates its fir...
timmy's never ending journey to self realization, and then some