two of my close buddies from and teammates from team Endure have taken the plunge recently. wedding #1: BongZ and Ellen wedding #2: RJ and Aset this got me thinking if i am ready to take the plunge too. given a short notice (and the numerous changes of the date) i was not able to prepare for something like this. getting into something without much preparation is nothing i would do normally, most specially if other people are involved. this has got to have some serious thinking first before deciding to do it or not. (and having a short notice does not help at all). SOMETHING OLD. all the while i was deciding on whether or not to push through with this endeavor, old friends have been assuring me that despite the lack of training for this, i can still do it decently. those who have been there before, the veterans, have said that no amount of preparation will get you ready for this, you can't blame it as a "bad day' because there will always be anot...
timmy's never ending journey to self realization, and then some