yes, i have to admit. i have, and i am a repeater. yesterday was our "graduation day" from the Mizuno Run Club Clinic. and it was my second time to "graduate" again. for some, they can call it being a "repeater" because i also joined the sessions last time around. even at the start of the run clinic, i was already stating that it's my second time, as most of the people i was with were first timers in the run clinic, so with regards to knowing and doing the drills, i must say that i've mastered them already. last night's graduation was unique because we had were grouped into 4 (shempre choose your own groupmates) for a relay. after the PIM Team Logan relay, Mizuno Relay naman. the mechanics were given last week, 4 members, 1 round each, pabilisan. so sige, choose lang. after much deliberations, here are my groupmates for #1: bryan " planet trumania " rivera - bad boy ng BLC season 1; desperate times call for desperate measures...
timmy's never ending journey to self realization, and then some